The Archive
Robert Munsch v2.0
Melanie Watt
Judy Blume
Black History Month
Word document with mini-biographies can be found at:
K:\MLS\section\Display Signs\BADA space
Ezra Jack Keats
Rosemary Wells
Mo Willems
Library Idol (ideal for TAG events, audition hopeful not included)
Dr. Seuss
Asian Heritage Month
Kenneth Oppel
Jon Scieszka
Margaret Wise Brown
Chris Van Allsburg
Robert Munsch ("Sights + Sounds of MUNSCH" sign is not included)
Doreen Cronin
Eric Carle
Melanie Watt
Judy Blume
Black History Month
Word document with mini-biographies can be found at:
K:\MLS\section\Display Signs\BADA space
Ezra Jack Keats
Rosemary Wells
Mo Willems
Library Idol (ideal for TAG events, audition hopeful not included)
Dr. Seuss
Asian Heritage Month
Kenneth Oppel
Jon Scieszka
Margaret Wise Brown
Chris Van Allsburg
Robert Munsch ("Sights + Sounds of MUNSCH" sign is not included)
Doreen Cronin
Eric Carle
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